Learn how a collaborative interdisciplinary unit with Social Studies, Science, ELA, and Math teachers will give students an opportunity to research and discover Egyptian architecture, burial practices and protocols. Using a Hyperdoc, students will explore content in an organized self-paced digital environment.
Library Media Specialists have a unique role to play in creating and supporting authentic, inquiry-based, digital-age learning experiences for English Language Learners (ELLs). Learn how to design your own digital-age learning ecosystem that opens the door to active learning for all ELLs regardless of proficiency level. Incorporate digital learning resources (DLRs) that allow English learners to conduct research and complete project-based activities whether working in-person, virtually, or in a hybrid setting. Essential practices for teaching and assessing English Learners will be shared.
Presented by Heather Rubin, Administrative Coordinator
In the ever-changing world, it's important to ensure that libraries represent the students they serve and offer insights and glimpses into other cultures; or offer windows and mirrors. Knowing that libraries need to represent diversity and having the tools to make it happen are not one-and-the-same. This workshop will look at free diversity reporting tools that allow you to analyze your collection on a range of topics as well as provide collection development tools and checks and balances to ensure your library is always reflecting windows and mirrors.
Likewise, we'll have some conversation and discuss around policies and how it's important to have a strong challenge policy in your school and district to protect diversity in your library and protect you as the librarian for bringing materials into your spaces.
Presented by Jessica Gottleib, Educational Sales Consultant, Mackin Education Resources
This presentation from March 10, 2020, will introduce participants to the New York City School Library System Diverse & Culturally Responsive Libraries audit.
Esports (AKA - competitive video gaming) and school libraries? How can these two institutions possibly fit together? Esports and school libraries may seem like a bad match, but in reality, each has great potential to enhance the other. Across the country, esports programs, often led by school librarians, are encouraging disenfranchised groups of students to become active members of the school community. Librarians, even with ZERO gaming experience, are perfectly suited to start and grow school based esports programs. We'll introduce you to the benefits of esports, explain how esports teams are aligned to your library program's goals, and walk you through the process of forming a team.
Presented by Lindsay Cesari, Baldwinsville CSD Librarian, and Mary Klucznik, Chittenango High School Librarian.
Embedded 2020
The first thought that comes to my mind when I hear the word embedded is about a tick I found behind my dog’s left ear. When I asked a friend their first impression, they said a wartime journalist. Being an embedded librarian is not a new concept, but it has new meaning for me as a school librarian since the onset of distance learning and COVID-19.
Reexamining the Stories We Tell: A Collaborative Approach Between the Long Island Museum and Pulaski Street School
When the pandemic hit, schools and museums had to pivot from traditional ways of educating students. During this time of reflection about how to continue serving schools from a distance, the Long Island Museum (LIM) also took time to assess their program content in order to better examine underrepresented stories and voices. Knowing collaborations often bring about the best results, Kristin Cuomo (Senior Museum Educator, LIM) and Lisa Unander (Director of Education, LIM) met with Amelia Estevez Creedon (School Media Specialist, Pulaski Street School) for guidance about the needs of School Media Specialists and Librarians and the role they play in their schools.
Together they modeled a museum program that addresses Literacy, Social Justice, Citizenship, Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Culturally Responsive Sustaining (CR-S) Principles. The resulting program, Vehicles for Change: Elizabeth Jennings and the Fight for Equality on NYC’s Streetcars, uses the lens of transportation to explore these curriculum goals through an interactive and thought provoking virtual visit to the carriage galleries at the museum. Please click on image above to see the presentation.
No slide deck at this time
Click on Image for video
This program will look at the MLA 9 citation style and how it differs from other popular citation styles. We will address the straightforward process of creating MLA 9 citations and how this approach is geared to better serve us in the information age. We will also discuss students' perceptions of the citation process (it's not just about plagiarism) and how we can guide them to better understand the value of citing.
Presented by Fabio Montella, Associate Professor of Library Services, Suffolk County Community College
This presentation from April 29, 2020, will introduce participants to NYSED’s Culturally Responsive-Sustaining (CR-S) Education Framework. The framework was designed to support educators as they create learning environments that affirm cultural and linguistic diversity and promote inclusivity. The four principles will be defined and the significant role of library media specialists in fostering culturally responsive-sustaining educational communities will be discussed. Practical applications for providing appropriate supports and services to promote positive student outcomes will be provided.
Heather Parris-Fitzpatrick, Resource Specialist, L.I. RBE-RN
Digital equity is a complex set of conditions that requires that every New Yorker has access to affordable broadband, adequate devices, necessary software, digital literacy skills, and a community of support.
This webinar series is intended to bring together stakeholders from across sectors to:
establish a shared understanding of the challenges to digital equity and
develop a shared vision of how we can work together to achieve digital equity in New York.
Link to register - webinars starts September 10, 2020
Podcasting has become an amazing new platform for both entertainment and professional development. In this presentation, Chris DeCristofaro, Head of Digital Services at Sachem Public Library, and creator and co-host of The Library Pros podcast with over 40,000 downloads will go over what it takes to create a podcast from the ground up.
Additional links:
SEL in Isolation: Maintaining Mindfulness During Distance Learning
Ways to Manage Stress for Yourself and Your Students During Distance Learning
MESH Blends Media Literacy, Ethics, Sociology and History Bringing Real-World Skills to Education
Fostering Social Emotional Learning Through Literacy
Books Can Help Guide Conversations About Race, Racism, and Anti-Racism
According to the US Department of Education, more than 85 percent of black fourth-grade boys aren't proficient in reading. What kind of reading experiences should we be creating to ensure that all children read well? In a talk that will make you rethink how we teach, educator and author Alvin Irby explains the reading challenges that many black children face -- and tells us what culturally competent educators do to help all children identify as readers.
This document developed by the N.Y.C. School Library System has great ideas on how to transition from in-school practices to online/remote practices and it aligns with the School Library Media Program Evaluation Rubric.