Eastern Suffolk BOCES School Library System contact information
FOR: Liaison meeting registration/questions, My Learning Plan (MLP) registration/questions, Follett/OPALS user group meetings, first line OPALS tech support, School Library Media Program Evaluation (SLMPE) applications, Partners in Science registration, Library Leadership Academy registration, VRC statistics, union catalog, interlibrary loan, World Language Collection loans, uploading MARC records, using secure courier, reserving a MakerBot printer and other items, subscribing/unsubscribing to the SLS listserv, Titlewave analysis support, please contact:
Melanie Keller – mkeller@esboces.org – 631-286-0891
FOR: Questions about purchasing Virtual Reference Collection (VRC) user ids/passwords/contract mods for those services (CoSer 516), pricing on scanners, contract mods for library automation (CoSer 508), barcode orders, pricing for OPALS, Destiny, and eBook orders, please contact:
Donna Moss - dmoss@esboces.org or slshelp@esboces.org – 631-286-0891
FOR: Virtual Reference Collection (VRC) training (virtual or on-site), questions/troubleshooting, user ids and passwords, and statistics, please contact:
Elizabeth Trapasso – etrapass@esboces.org or slshelp@esboces.org – 631-286-0891
FOR: Questions about services (CoSers), liaison meeting programming, SLS Council, Legislation/Commissioner’s Regulations/SED, IFC, LMC programming, advocacy, curriculum, standards, censorship, integrating technology, policy, etc., please contact:
Carl Vitevitch – cvitevit@esboces.org – 631-286-0891
The Regents Advisory Council on Libraries, or RAC, was established by the Board of Regents in 1894 "to serve as a library council with whom the University officers may consult whenever the advice or cooperation of experts may be desirable."
The Regents Advisory Council will act as an advocate for libraries, library staff, and library trustees.
(Adopted January 25, 2008)
Founded in 1961, the Suffolk Cooperative Library System exists to help local public libraries provide the best in traditional and innovative public library service to all the people of Suffolk County.
Bridging the Long Island Library Community
As a regional multi-type library organization serving academic, special, public, school libraries and library systems in Nassau and Suffolk counties, our purpose is to enhance access to information, encourage resource sharing, and promote library interests for all LILRC members.