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Virtual Reference Collection Support: Infobase Learning

Training and support for the following resources: ABC-CLIO, Britannica CQ Researcher, EBSCO, FactCite, Gale, Infobase, NewBank, NoodleTools ProQuest, Rosen, Soundzabound, TeachingBooks, WorldBook and selected Supplemental items

Bloom’s Literature contains essays and criticism on thousands of great writers and their works, an archive of 48,500 characters, plus articles on topics and themes, Also includes full-length videos of classic plays and a special feature on Professor Harold Bloom’s Western Literary Canon. 

Ferguson's Career Guidance Center is an award-winning reference database for lifelong career exploration and planning. For students choosing a career path, graduates entering the workforce, or professionals changing careers, Ferguson's Career Guidance Center supports users at every step of their career journey.

Issues & Controversies in American History builds a deeper understanding of how historical events have shaped the United States and places students and researchers at the center of the great debates in American History.

Science Online contains extensive information on the full spectrum of scientific disciplines in a variety of useful formats, including printable diagrams, illustrations, experiments, images, videos, and flash animations. 

The World Almanac® for Kids (Grades 4-7/8) offers kid-friendly content, resources for reports and research, and a dynamic home page with daily features. A natural complement to the curriculum, this entertaining online site helps kids develop online research skills with a trusted source.

The World Almanac® for Kids - Elementary (Grades K-3/4) offers kid-friendly content, resources for reports and research, and a dynamic home page with daily features. A natural complement to the curriculum, this entertaining online site helps kids develop online research skills with a trusted source.

World Geography and Culture enhances the study of countries, U.S. states, places, peoples, and geography concepts and skills, providing both facts at a glance and in-depth coverage.

World Religions explores religion and spirituality in an objective manner, from the ceremonies of the first practitioners to the elaborate rituals of today. Ideal for research and study in the library, the classroom, or at home, the easy-to-navigate interface puts the information users need front and center