All events were held via Zoom for the school year.
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August - November
Asynchronous Learning Opportunities LibGuides link
COVID-19 has changed what Fall 2020 will look like for all us. Attend a meeting of Eastern Suffolk BOCES SLS & Suffolk Public Librarians. At this virtual meeting, librarians can share ideas about how they have been handling the pandemic, what their fall will look like, and how to better support each other during this new school year.
This event was not recorded.
This year's Long Island School Library System’s Regional Institute will be held on November 3, 2020 ~ 12:30 – 3:30 pm ~ Remote via Zoom.
The theme for the institute is “Rx for an Infodemic: Developing Habits of Media Literacy and Critical Thinking Across the Curriculum”. This dynamic online half-day workshop will give librarians the inspiration, theory, models and resources for integrating critical thinking about all media messages into your work with students and teachers through synchronous, asynchronous and face-to-face instruction. After looking at the role of media in presidential elections, the roots of our current information crisis, and research into how students assess truth claims in the media, we will work with a practical methodology for teaching habits of questioning and metacognition. We will review resources including 500+ lessons for integrating constructivist media decoding into diverse subject areas at all grade levels.
The presenters, Cyndy Scheibe and Chris Sperry, are the founders of “Project Look Sharp” and global leaders in media literacy integration into K-12 education.
In conjunction with Nassau BOCES School Library System, this will be an open forum to discuss how OverDrive/SORA is being used, provide some help and support in using OverDrive/SORA, and a chance to share. The open discussion will be led by Jean Marie Johnson, SLMS, Oceanside UFSD, and Theresa Osso, SLMS, Malverne UFSD with an OverDrive/SORA directed Q&A to follow.
Recording Link -
Passcode: Jpy+5U0B
Learn how a collaborative interdisciplinary unit with Social Studies, Science, ELA, and Math teachers will give students an opportunity to research and discover Egyptian architecture, burial practices and protocols. Using a Hyperdoc, students will explore content in an organized self-paced digital environment.
December - February
No slide deck at this time
Additional links:
SEL in Isolation: Maintaining Mindfulness During Distance Learning
Ways to Manage Stress for Yourself and Your Students During Distance Learning
MESH Blends Media Literacy, Ethics, Sociology and History Bringing Real-World Skills to Education
Fostering Social Emotional Learning Through Literacy
Books Can Help Guide Conversations About Race, Racism, and Anti-Racism
March - June
OPALS User Group video
Follett User Group video